Not easy back to school

Not easy back to school

Back to school after the holidays was not easy! I missed a lot of my blog, and also my facebook page. In fact, I'm pushing, suddenly, I'm sick H24. For 1 month, I did not stop coughing, coughing. Accompanied by fever (once a week, it's accurate lol) and cramps with or without fever. Currently, the cough is almost gone, the fever less rarely (once a month), but the pain is more present than ever. About once a week I am stuck with pain, I can not even move a finger! If I lie down, only I can not get up. If they help me up, I walk like a granny, step by step, back all bent and it's far from glamorous! 

And it's a big vicious circle: I lie down to rest, but the more I rest, the more it gets worse. On the contrary, if I try to move, walk, it passes over the hours alone. But you have to have a lot of courage to get up and move while suffering martyrdom.

And if no one sees that I am alone, in my room, in the vegetable state that does not move, well I can spend 24 hours without giving news and no one worries XD! These months it's not going at all! So I'm hyper late course and homework, I missed the job too, it's pretty chaotic! 

I had not really had a big push since 2004, and here I must say that I am served! When I'm in remission I do a little anything. I go out, I'm having fun, I sleep if I have the time or so much worse, I rest more, basically I do not care at all : - / ben, we pay dearly after -_- "it will teach me..!!! I hope that you are well, that there are not too many thrusts in the air ;-) Give your news!

It's all arranged...
Since the beginning , I chained: a cold that lasts 2/3 months, an otitis that lasts 1 month, and more recently, a loss of 8 kgs in 10 days, I hallucinated. Things seem to be better now: otitis almost gone, the cold causing me more fever, I do not care, and I lose more weight! not at the rate of almost 1kg / day lol anyway!

That was the news "health"! In a completely different field: school, studies are going well. But it's a year more than stressful: exams in May loool I still have not 5 months of revisions ... finally manage to combine homework (there are 30 in all, I have already returned 13. ..) + internship + reviews + my job and it's not going to be easy! 

For the moment I'm just homework + job loool down revisions in the middle of December, and the internship, I should start it (if all goes well) from January: creation of an event (neighborhood party ) + creation of a "mini-journal". I would say more next time ;-)

Soon the holiday season: my friends, I would be absent from Facebook from Friday, and until next year lol January what: p because I'm going to Lisbon, for the end of the holidays year, even in case of snow, I think my flight should not be canceled, priority being given to departures. Departures on airports not "blocked" by the snow 

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