Pregnancy and lupus: Not so simple!

Pregnancy and lupus: Not so simple!

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk to you about a topic that is very interesting for lupus in general, since about 9 out of 10 people with lupus are women. If I was so far away from my blog, it was not because I was fed up or more time. Simply, many events were chained, and not the happiest, this last year.

At the end of 2011, I learned about my pregnancy. Obviously it was wanted, no push in sight. I have just had ultrasounds every 2 weeks up to 22 / 23SA, because my anti SSA body being positive, it can affect the heart of the baby. After 22SA, it's every month until the end. At 24SA, I had a routine ultrasound. I have been told that since the last ultrasound (which had taken place 2 weeks ago) the baby had not grown at all, and that there was no longer a drop of amniotic fluid.

They send me home, just saying that it would not move, no improvement to hope for such a small term, and should consider the IMG. But 2 days later, I am taking violent epigastric pains. There I go to the maternity ward where I was being followed, and they send me home, telling me it's nothing. I had a tension at 14/9, beyond we act, until 14/9 we do nothing!

I stayed for almost a week with this pain that prevented me from living properly: I could not even press the accelerator pedal of the car for example.

I go back to maternity emergencies at 11am, and I do not go out any more. At 22h I'm told: that I'm having a pre-eclampsia, hence the 21/9 of tension, and that I'm also doing a HELLP Syndrome:

my kidneys were not working anymore (I was not urinating anymore), the liver either (I was yellow from head to toe), I was doing trombopenia (platelets had dropped to 15,000) My motherhood can not do anything for me (level 3 anyway and one of the most famous in passing), they transferred me elsewhere, around midnight. 

At 7 am I was an emergency caesarized for maternal rescue. Our daughter, my partner and I decided not to intubate at birth, because she had absolutely no chance, her stunting was extremely severe.

Over time, I learned that my pregnancy had caused the appearance of anti-phospholipid anti body, which I had never had before. This caused multiple micro thromboses of the placenta, which caused him to grow, so the baby could no longer develop. 

Following this, these antibodies are negativés. I was warned: no pregnancy for 1 to 2 years, and there. I fall pregnant 3 months later a contraceptive accident. The doctor who gave me a Cesarisée saw absolutely no incognito in the continuation of this pregnancy. However, more follow-up was put in place, including day hospitals every month, and shock treatment, since the antiphospholipid antibodies are still back during pregnancy!

I still had hypertension 3 weeks before the planned cesarean, but it never went as far as the first time (16/9 maximum).

Pregnancy and lupus: Not so simple!

So my balance sheet:
I do not want to scare anyone, but I'm quite fatalistic in general, not especially because of my health, it's my character. I would say to conclude this article, that even in being in remission, a pregnancy with lupus is not without risks.

Obviously, we are more likely to have a pregnancy that ends, being in remission. But in my case, I was absolutely not in thrust, and yet, the fate was hard. Well, for the moment, I am formally forbidden to fall pregnant in the next 2 to 3 years, especially for my body / health! So caution is needed  

The professor who has césarisé for the two pregnancies, has always been of extreme sympathy. He even came to visit us one morning, at the maternity ward. I would not hesitate a second to follow me again, if future pregnancy there is. 

PS: I did not write this article to scare or pity. Basically, this blog was a crazyness, where I told my life, my daily life with lupus, even if the subject is not very happy, it's not taboo either to the point of not talking about it. I am neither the first nor the last to whom it happened, and if the end of this story can comfort many, I would be more than happy! Image credit by:

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